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Craven DC – 2020/21553/OUT – The East of Waterside Lane, Hellifield

Full details of application/consultation: 2020/21553/OUT – Outline application with some matters reserved
for the development of up to 99 lodges, reception cabin with parking, and landscaping including ground
modelling and water features (resubmission of previous application 42/2016/17496 refused 28 March 2019)

Type of response: Objection
Date of Submission: 26th May 2020

CPRE North Yorkshire (CPRENY) welcomes the opportunity to comment on this new application for outline
planning permission at land to the east of Waterside Lane, Hellifield, submitted by J O Steel Consulting Ltd on
behalf of the applicant Ballan Ltd

Please read full planning response.

In summary, CPRENY strongly object to the revised proposal for additional tourist accommodation at this
The applicant has relied upon out of date and insufficient information to determine the full impact of the
revised scheme and whether any proposed mitigation will be effective in:
• preserving and enhancing the landscape and setting of the Yorkshire Dales National Park; and
• the conservation of heritage assets within the vicinity of the site location; and
• conserving the biodiversity value of the site; and
• the preservation of Local Green Space including its open character, local significance and value to the
community; and
• the preservation of the character and appearance of the local area.
As such, CPRENY consider that the revised application is not in conformity with Local Plan Policy EC3, EC4,
EC4B, ENV1, ENV2, ENV3, ENV4, ENV10 alongside various paragraphs of the NPPF.
The applicant has not attempted to justify a demonstrable ‘need’ for the proposals at this location, showing
that the benefit of which would satisfactorily outweigh the harm caused by the proposals. A specific analysis
against adopted planning policy has not been submitted by the applicant by way of a Planning Statement.
Furthermore and as stated above, CPRENY believe that the determination of this application should not be
undertaken until such time that the Council have received and understood Counsel’s opinion at to whether
the alteration and restructuring of Gallaber Flash to Gallaber Pond was lawful and has been made public. Any
such determination prior to this decision may prejudice the outcome of cumulative assessments of the site (in
terms of updated LVIA, heritage assessment and ecological studies) which CPRENY believe are essential to the
understanding of the true impacts of the revised proposals.
CPRENY reserve the right to comment further should additional information be submitted in support of this