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Objectives and activities
Our charitable objects:
“To promote and encourage for the benefit of the public the improvement, protection and preservation of the countryside of North Yorkshire and its towns and villages and the better development of the rural environment”.
The Trustees have referred to current guidance from the Charity Commission on public benefit in producing this report and when reviewing our aims and objectives and planning our future activities. In particular the Trustees consider how planned activities will contribute to the aims and objectives they have set.

Our Vision
To create one CPRE North Yorkshire managed professionally to enable this charity to protect, enhance and ultimately promote the North Yorkshire countryside, its rural towns and villages and ensure that we enable the right kind of development, in the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons and prevent ill-conceived and inappropriate development. We also wish to highlight the importance of tranquillity, food and farming and light pollution across this county.

Activities and services provided
We campaign actively on all issues relating to planning, the protection, promotion, enhancement and awareness of the countryside. We provide expert help where required and moral support to those who face the minefield known as planning. We have responded to an unprecedented rise in requests for help from both members and non-members and assisted local groups and parish councils. We work to protect, enhance and promote the 3500 square miles of North Yorkshire.

Added 14 October 2021
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